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The Discfolio 90-Disc Case with Zipper

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The Discfolio 90-Disc Case with Zipper


The Discfolio 90-Disc Case with Zipper.  Available in black leather. The Discfolio allows you to visibly see all 90 discs and have them within arm’s reach.  No more digging around for your case and flipping through countless pages to find your disc. The Black Leather Discfolio is made of a soft, black, non- scratching material with a leather outer protective shell. The Discfolio, when empty, weighs 11oz.  It is 20” long by 6” wide, when zipped up.  It is 20” long by 32” wide, when expanded.  It has 6 rows of 15 discs each and holds 90 discs total. To compress and expand the unit, simply fold each row of discs back and forth over themselves until they are stacked on each other (see video below).  There is a separating zipper which runs the entire perimeter of the unit, that completely encloses the unit, and protects it as well. The Discfolio can be browsed through like a book by unzipping just the front of the zipper and browsing your collection row by row.  When expanded, it has two loops at either end to hang it to the wall, typically by two push pins.
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